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Backup and Disaster Recovery

Your client’s information is the foundation of your business, whether it’s financial transaction history or personal information, this data is essential to running your business. When it’s lost because of an unanticipated natural disaster or even worse, it is stolen, you need to make sure you’re able to recover the data so your business can continue to thrive and grow without losing clients.

We specialize in backing up computers, data, hard drives, and system recovery. Our unique system backs up all your domain and server information and stores it in a dissimilar server off site. You will be able to re-access your data in a moment’s notice.

Our backup and recovery services help you by:

Planning for unforeseen problems by taking preventative measures. The unexpected can happen to anyone at any time.

  • Safeguarding and defending your business– We safeguard your data, network, and systems from hacking or virus threats so you can focus on other day-to-day tasks.
  • Speedy recovery– When your network does go down and data is lost, we’ll have it back for you quickly.
  • No matter the size of your company, you need dependable data backup and recovery. We are here to make sure your data is safe and accessible.

Business Continuity

If a disaster should occur, our priority is to protect your data and get your business back up and running within minutes. We will create a customized backup and disaster recovery plan to fit your business needs by analyzing your system, industry, risk tolerance, and available resources.

Our business continuity services will:

  • Ensure that your business can continue to function in the event of an interruption
  • Develop a plan for any disaster
  • Establish a network backup plan that allows your business to operate uninterrupted
  • Operate as an integral part of business continuity plan
  • Include provisions for the network, security system and all other essential operations


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